Learning through play

6 STEM Literacy Activities for the Classroom

STEM is a common term for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This term is frequently used when discussing education and…

12 months ago

Indoor STEM Activities for Kids

As winter begins, keeping kids both physically and mentally active becomes a challenging task for parents and educators. During these…

1 year ago

Benefits of Leveling the Playing Field in the Classroom

In the world of education, the term leveling the playing field is more than just a colloquialism—it's a vital goal.…

1 year ago

16 Football Themed Activities for the Classroom

The arrival of football season is met with contagious enthusiasm, igniting the passion of fans of all ages. By leveraging…

2 years ago

The Importance of STEM Literacy for Kids

STEM is an acronym used to clump science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects. STEM education has become increasingly important in…

2 years ago

16 Best Christmas Stem Activities for Children

The holiday season is just around the corner. This means decorations, tasty treats, and themed science, technology, engineering, and math…

2 years ago

How to Get Kids Interested in Math

Getting kids interested in math can often be a difficult task. For some, math comes easily and is a subject…

3 years ago

3 Reasons why Sports are Beneficial to Kids

Many of us have fond memories of playing sports, both formally and informally, throughout our childhood. As a parent, we…

3 years ago

Fun Activities STEMing from the Holiday Season

Making STEM fun and exciting is what STEM Sports® is all about. We are huge advocates of bringing STEM education…

3 years ago

Why Physical Education Can’t Be a Casualty of the Pandemic

When thinking about the health of a child, it is not enough to just think about one aspect. There are…

3 years ago