Education | Lifestyle | STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

How STEM Education Helps Build Life Skills

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) lessons are foundational to a child’s education. Students begin participating in STEM learning as early as preschool and kindergarten. These frequent touchpoints with STEM curricula lead to STEM literacy, which benefits a child’s educational and personal development. One key benefit often overlooked when thinking about STEM education is the…

Engineering | Math | Science | STEM | STEM Sports® Tips | Technology

23 Easy STEM Lessons for Elementary Students

Elementary education is a pivotal time in a child’s education journey. It is when students form preferences, gain confidence, and find a passion for learning. When children are exposed to subjects during early childhood education, they are more likely to feel comfortable continuing to take courses in that subject area. Early implementation of science, technology,…

Education | Engineering | Math | Science | STEM | STEM Sports® Tips | Technology

How to Refresh the STEM Curriculum in Your Classroom

In a world filled with technological advancements, the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are experiencing continuous and significant changes. These developments require a corresponding evolution in educational curricula to ensure they remain relevant and effective. The primary challenge for educators is to develop and maintain a STEM curriculum that is both responsive…

Education | Family | Lifestyle | STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

STEM Education Tips for First-Time Parents

Welcoming a new child into the world comes with an incredible sense of responsibility, especially when it comes to education. For first-time parents, the eagerness to provide the very best for their children can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this digital age, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education has become a cornerstone of early…

STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

24 New Year’s STEM Activities for 2024

As we approach 2024, integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subjects into education continues to be essential. In a world increasingly driven by these disciplines, fostering STEM literacy is beneficial and key to student success. This article will introduce 24 engaging STEM activities that parents and teachers can adopt to make learning exciting and relevant…

Education | STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

How Big Are the Gender Gaps in STEM Education?

Understanding the gender gap in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education is not just about knowing statistics; it is about understanding what is causing the gender gap and finding ways to make successful changes for the future. It is essential to the continued technological advancement and progression of our world that there is diverse…

STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

Indoor STEM Activities for Kids

As winter begins, keeping kids both physically and mentally active becomes a challenging task for parents and educators. During these colder months, when outdoor adventures are limited, it’s crucial to find creative ways to engage young minds and bodies. This period of relative confinement does not need to be seen as a setback, but rather…

STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

2024 STEM Education Trends to Watch Out For

As we enter 2024, the landscape of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is evolving at an unprecedented pace, mirroring the rapid advancements in technology. This dynamic shift underscores an essential truth: the field of education must adapt and evolve to keep pace with the technological strides being made globally. In this blog, we…

STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

Why Inclusion in STEM Learning Matters

In our rapidly evolving world, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects aren’t just vital academic fields, they’re pivotal to shaping future leaders and change makers. As educators and parents pave the way for today’s students, it’s crucial every child, regardless of their background, feels represented and included in this journey. In this article, we…

STEM | STEM Sports® Tips

Hard vs Soft Skills in STEM Education

In the world of STEM education, the debate often revolves around the importance of hard skills versus soft skills. While technical proficiency and knowledge are undoubtedly crucial, the ability to effectively collaborate, communicate ideas, and adapt to changing circumstances cannot be underestimated. In this blog, we will explore the duality of STEM skills, delving into…